LEMURIAN LETTER  25Lemurian_Letter_25.html
  Back to Life, Back to (New) Reality
  Tibet - The Sacred Marriage of the Mountain and the Lake
  Adama - 2010, The Birth of Our Common New Reality
  Winter Solstice Trip to Egypt,  December 15-22, 2010Tibet_-_The_Sacred_Marriage_of_the_Mountain_and_the_Lake.htmlAdama-2010,_The_Birth_of_Our_Common_New_Reality.htmlWinter_Solstice_Trip_to_Egypt,_December_15-22,_2010.htmlshapeimage_3_link_0shapeimage_3_link_1shapeimage_3_link_2

Back to Life, Back to (New) Reality

Dear Ones,
I greet you all from this most intense October energies. After such a powerful Summer it seems that the Autumn has its own significant energy patterns to unfold. After the Equinox, the triple 10 has indeed opened the final chapter of this very special year. 2010 is like a Gate where we as humanity were invited to walk through. Every challenge we faced and I am sure we faced many, are just part of a very delicately designed preparation process we all needed to experience. Pain is one of  the most intense, still the most effective tool for many of us to leave behind the fake comfort zone of this reality and start to experience the 5th Dimension around us. Emotional reflections can be a catalyst for our new senses to be switched on fully. This year's number one significance is this: allowing to experience more from the vibration of our higher dimensional reality while we are still in our 3rd paradigm. This 'In between' state of being allows us to safely discover all about our own divine potentials. With this powerful triple 10 energy we entered into the final chapter of this year, inviting all the manifestations of this New Reality into our life. NEW is the key word. Every thought, act, feeling needs to be and more easily can be connected consciously to the unconditional love stream of our 5D existence.

After a very intense Summer this next three months is going to be about integration. All that we have learnt, all that we have experienced, all that we have understood need to be implemented into this New Reality. We are in the middle of the major changes that our ancient prophecies were talking about. We are the co-creators of our future in the NOW. The beautiful energy pattern of 101010 opened a window of seeing this future in every single moment of our life. We received the gift of the ability to 'see our potential'. It is up to us whether we use it or not. The learning, experiencing process is far from over. Keeping the focus on our co-creating ability is a long and beautiful process to discover it to the fullest. No need to rush but there is no time to waste either. Being consciously in every now moment is the best we can do. So with this Lemurian Letter I invite you into my NOW moments which is part of YOUR NOW moments in the beautiful Oneness of ALL. It is a long letter after 8 weeks of silence since the intense Tibet journey. Please find your silence and enjoy the hologram I am sending with the Tibet article. We returned home exactly two months ago. I needed this 8 weeks in silence to integrate all that happened there and to be able to write about the most intense and most beautiful adventure in my life. Mt. Kailash and Lake Manasarovar are two of the most remote, most untouched areas of our planet. Their ancient vibrations still hold the blueprint of the timeless wisdom of Earth and her role in the cosmic creation saga. Just being there in its ancient crystalline energy is a real gift for the soul. I do hope that reading the article with your heart gives back something from its secret vibration. 
Adama's message is also part of this letter. In this eight weeks of silence he showed me a lot about the beautiful reality matrix we as Humanity are heading towards. Entering into the 5th Dimension, being prepared for the long awaited divine experience, this is one of the topics he is so ready to talk about. One humble instruction yet again; please read it with your heart.

The final part of this Lemurian letter is the announcement about the Winter Solstice Egypt Trip. This will be a smooth one week experience with a private meditation in the Great Pyramid on 21st of December. Cairo, Saqqara, Luxor, Karnak, Dendera, Abydos. Seven days of healing, learning, co-creating. The sacred vibration of the Lemurian Awakening journeys of 2010 from Mexico - Palenque, Bolivia - Lake Titicaca, New Zealand - Spirit Bay, France - Rennes la Chateau, Tibet - Lake Manasarovar will be taken back to the heart of the Cosmic Mother in the Great Pyramid's Underground Chamber at the dawn of the Winter Solstice day...  

I leave you now to enjoy the letter in our common eternal NOW,

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Lemurian Letter 25                                                           www.lemurianawakening.com
© 2010 Kata. Distributing this message elsewhere is encouraged, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author's credit and link to the LemurianAwakening website: www.lemurianawakening.comBack_to_Life,_Back_to_(New)_Reality_files/Back%20to%20Life,%20Back%20to%20%28New%29%20Reality.rtfLemurian_Letter_25.htmlhttp://www.lemurianawakening.comhttp://www.lemurianawakening.comshapeimage_4_link_0shapeimage_4_link_1shapeimage_4_link_2shapeimage_4_link_3